
This tutorial will show you how to download a SlideShare presentation in PPT format so that you can work on it or make changes in PowerPoint before presenting it to your audience.

About SlideShare

SlideShare, which is owned by Scribd, is a website where users can share professional presentations, infographics, videos, documents, and other items. They have the option of sharing these contents privately or publicly. It is very likely that the presentation you are looking for has already been uploaded to SlideShare. However, downloading the presentation can be difficult at times.

How to download

To download a presentation from SlideShare in PPT format,

  • First go to SlideShare website and search for your desired presentation. Copy the URL of that presentation.
  • Then, go to SlideShare Downloader.
  • Paste the copied link in the input box and click on the Download In PPT button.
  • Within a minute, your file will be generated and once completed, the PPT file will start downloading automatically.

That’s it. This is a very simple and straightforward procedure, and you can now download any SlideShare presentation and begin working on it.